"People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel."
— Maya Angelou
There are millions of underserved people and helpless children in Ethiopia who need your help to survive. This is your opportunity to make a difference. Your donation to HEAL helps support the work of NPHHC, helping to bring about measurable changes. With your donation, we can provide programs in the areas of HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support for orphans and vulnerable children, education, food and agriculture, economic empowerment and more. Most importantly, your donation makes Ethiopia's underserved feel like somebody cares.
DONOR LEVELSWhen it comes to lending a helping hand in Ethiopia, every donation – no matter the size – goes a long way. It's important to note that 100% of every dollar donated to HEAL goes directly toward funding NPHHC efforts. Here are some of the ways your generous and thoughtful contributions will support Ethiopians in need:
$30 will provide school uniform, supplies and books to an orphan
$60 will provide a monthly nutrition supplement to an orphan for a year
$120 will provide a person living with HIV/AIDS monthly food supplement for a year
$500 will provide a school with vegetable gardening inputs and training for a year
$1000 will cover training expenses for 30 people to provide home-based care, plus HIV/AIDS medical and sanitary kits